Always Creating...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Finding Balance with Nature's Help

On a previous blog post, I remember stating how I was stagnant and lacking motivation. Do be careful what you wish for, as the saying goes. I've been highly motivated to do just about anything and everything however, organizing said motivations and activities have proven to be quite challenging. I want to do so much and attempt to do as much as I can that I find myself running on empty, quickly burning out and start screaming at the top of my lungs, with arms flaying around like Kermit the Frog would do on just about every episode of The Muppet Show I used to watch as a kid. So what's a Witch to do? Home baked chocolate chip cookies can only do so much...

As previously stated, I'm working on my dedicant work with ADF. One of my assignments is to enhance nature awareness and attune yourself to the land. Much of it involves connecting with the Earth and observing the environment around you. At first it was quite difficult since it was just raining everyday. I love a good rain fall and I've occasionally danced in the rain. However, I really don't want to be communing with my amphibian neighbors in my yard, so I prefer to walk outside when its dry and windy :)For probably two weeks now, I've been stepping outside and make my rounds, unfortunately not staying outside for too because its been so bloody hot. However, it hasn't been the case for the past couple of days. Last Thursday I decided to prop a lawn chair under a flowering tree in the corner of my yard and found my lovely oasis. Every time I would step outside I'd feel a bit more calm and relaxed but since I placed the chair and sit outside for a bit each day, I feel a whole lot better. I feel grounded and a bit more serene. I come outside during the day before noon and then some time in the afternoon because the tree and the wild flowers in this area seems to bloom around this time. I enjoy talking to the butterflies that fly about and greet the lizards the skitter around the bushes. I also have long chats with the little spider that lives under this tree. Its quite peaceful. Every day I seem to find something new in my area, different species of butterfly and finally some bees. I was worried that I wasn't seeing any about. I hope to put more flowers in this area and create a small altar in the corner. I'll be posting pictures soon of my new found friends and flora that's all about.

These lovely outings help me to stop, ground and center myself. And remind me that I need to be patient and not over work myself. If you listen, you'll hear what she has to say.

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:

  1. I think it's time you vented here - again - no?
