Always Creating...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Root of the Powers of Water

Before I forget, here's my card for the day...

Tree of Life: Kether (the eternal, spiritual) through water (the spring of soul)
Astrology: Signs of water

The Ace of Cups shows the way deep into our soul, to detect beauty and trust. It stands for the sources of love, for growing feelings, the desire for a relationship or the readiness to have a friend.

Referring to the Kaballah, the Ace of Cups is attached to Briah - the world of pure feeling and sensitive intention.It is the female counterpart of the Ace of Wands, representing the female element water as a sign for devotion and care.
The card also tells that the beauty and the ugly are two poles belonging together. Without shadow, there's no light - and mud is needed to make liliths blossom.

Drive: The desire to melt in one another, sympathy, devotion, the beginning of a friendship or passion

Light: Emotional capacity, fertility, productiveness

Shadow: Alteration, diffusion, irrational thinking, hysteria, loneliness

Love and Healing

Its been almost two months since I last wrote on my blog. And I've attempted to write twice on it since them. Something always came up from finishing. I still have them saved as drafts; in case I want to post them again.

I've been very stagnant and lacking motivation in just about everything. Which has led me to be down and out with myself. However this past week I've tried little things, here and there to pull me out. I started exercising and started working on my crafts again. However, I still have my reclusive moments.

I celebrated Summer Solstice with friends. They're are part of a coven and from time to time they invite me to participate. I had a lovely time as I always do. The focus of this ritual was on the recent catastrophe that has plagued the Gulf of Mexico. We all made lovely witch's ladders to join our energies together.

With all my down in the dumps emotions, this was quite uplifting and decided to create an Gulf Healing Altar. I've been wanting to do an ocean altar but didn't know how I wanted to put it together and this was a lovely opportunity to do so.

I'm very happy on how it turned out. In fact, I think its beautiful. I'm really happy with how it looks.

Unfortunately I didn't have any Gulf water with me. It's been a while since I've gone to Florida's West Coast. I have fresh water here with seashells; envisioning clear waters again for our Gulf. Below my jar I have petitions for Cymoploeia, Delphin, Thaumus and Pontos.

Here I have sand and shells with a petition to Psamanthe for our beaches.

Of course I can't forget Poseidon. In front of the candle I placed my witch's ladder along with my shell necklace. I also placed shells on the shelf.

I also petitioned to my patroness, Artemis. I try to keep abreast of the situation as much as I can handle. I can't bare to see what all these animals are going through and the emotional toll that its taking on those trying to help those that can't help themselves. I do hope this will end soon but the outcome of this pain will probably be worse.